Ch. Unbeliever Vom Schloss Hellenstein
The video above is of Free at the English Cocker Spaniel Club of Southern California Specialty 2014.
We had watched the dogs from the Vom Schloss Hellenstein kennels for many years in 2012 the time was right for us to import another dog and we decided that it would be from Monika Bollinger and the VSH kennel. A partnership was formed between Deb Deane, Vicki Zwart, and Bob and I to bring these puppies to the U.S. In April of 2013 Free and Elsa arrived.
We have great hopes for his future as a sire.
As of July 2014 he has been bred to three lovely bitches. The pups from these breeders all look very promising and we look forward to seeing them in the show ring soon.
Free’s show ring career has thrilled us.
Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes at his first Specialty under breeder judge Susan Haller.
Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes at the ECSCS Winter Specialty under breeder judge Sandi Laflamme.
Free has now completed his American championship by going winners dog at The English Cocker Spaniel Fanciers of Greater Denver Specialty under Doug Johnson.